Activity committee

Playing floorball is super cool, but there are many more fun activities we do together! The activities committee organizes these activities, like the infamous game nights, Sinterklaas, New Year’s drink, and teambuilding events.
Event committee

Every year we have a number of big events, which are organized by the Eefent committee. ISSTT, friends tournament, weekend getaway… All lots of fun!
Advisory & audit boards

The board needs a second opinion sometimes. This is where the advisory board comes in. They help by checking ALV pieces and voicing their opinions to other board related issues. The audit committee checks the accounts of the association. Which helps the treasurer in its task.
Technical committee

The technical committee handles everything around matchdays, training sessions and referee education. They will organise the matchdays and hold a referee teaching course. They also ensure the quality of training sessions.
Recruitment committee

The recruitment committee organizes the recruitment events, to share our fun floorball club with new people. The committee organizes the UIT, the UIT tournament, and the open trainings. They also handle the promotion of these activitees and of the club in general.